Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Kaegan Sparks, John Cage, Christian Marclay  John Cage's "Lecture on Nothing" read by Kaegan Sparks  Recorded at the Philadelphia ICA, Fall 2007, during Christian Marclay's exhibit "Ensemble" 
 2. John Cage  John Cage Lecture Reading: on Rauschenberg, Duchamp, Johns etc.   
 3. BSP  John 5:1-18 - A Healing Sparks Opposition With the Jews  GOspel of John 
 4. Williams Mix (1952)  John Cage  OHM: the early gurus of electronic music disc 1 
 5. Marclay Christian  John Cage  More Encores 
 6. Barrett Golding  Who's John Cage  Hearing Voices 
 7. Vision #4  John Cage  Word of Mouth 
 8. Williams Mix (1952)  John Cage  OHM: the early gurus of electronic music disc 1 
 9. Charles Amirkhanian  Mushrooms (for John Cage)  Giorno Poetry Systems: Totally Corrupt, 1976 
 10. Alvin Curran  I Dreamt John Cage mp3  Susan Levenstein's Album 
 11. Charles Amirkhanian  Mushrooms (for John Cage)  Giorno Poetry Systems: Totally Corrupt, 1976 
 12. Chris Funkhouser  Discussion of John Cage and Jackson Mac Low  MACHINE Reading at the Kelly Writers House, UPenn, March 26, 2008 
 13. Chris Funkhouser  Discussion of John Cage and Jackson Mac Low  MACHINE Reading at the Kelly Writers House, UPenn, March 26, 2008 
 14. alicantissimo  Música de John Cage para piano  Alicantissimo 
 15. Jackson Mac Low & Anne Tardos  Phoneme Dance in Memoriam for John Cage  Open Secrets 
 16. Jackson Mac Low & Anne Tardos  Phoneme Dance in Memoriam for John Cage  Open Secrets 
 17. John Cage and Morton Feldman, WBAI, NYC (1967)  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation, Part 1  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation 
 18. John Cage and Morton Feldman, WBAI, NYC (1967)  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation, Part 1  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation 
 19. John Cage and Morton Feldman, WBAI, NYC (1967)  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation, Part 2  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation 
 20. John Cage and Morton Feldman, WBAI, NYC (1967)  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation, Part 1  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation 
 21. John Cage-David Tudor - Klangexperimente (1963)  John Cage-David Tudor - Klangexperimente (1963)  Unknown Title 
 22. John Cage and Morton Feldman, WBAI, NYC (1967)  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation, Part 2  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation 
 23. John Cage-David Tudor - Klangexperimente (1963)  John Cage-David Tudor - Klangexperimente (1963)  Unknown Title 
 24. John Cage and Morton Feldman, WBAI, NYC (1967)  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation, Part 3  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation 
 25. John Cage and Morton Feldman, WBAI, NYC (1967)  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation, Part 2  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation 
 26. John Cage and Morton Feldman, WBAI, NYC (1967)  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation, Part 3  John Cage and Morton Feldman In Conversation 
 27. WXPN-FM  John Cage, Brian Eno, Terry Riley, Keith Jarrett  Echoes on the Morning Show 
 28. John Cage-Mauricio Kagel - Imaginary Landscape (1942)  John Cage-Mauricio Kagel - Imaginary Landscape (1942)  Unknown Title 
 29. WXPN-FM  John Cage, Brian Eno, Terry Riley, Keith Jarrett  Echoes on the Morning Show 
 30. William E. Linney  Lecture 4: John 3:1-6  Reading the Bible in Latin 
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